header - volunteers with food and truck

What We Do

We work with food businesses from across the supply chain to redirect surplus food to non-profit organizations in every province and territory. 

Second Harvest is the largest food rescue organization in Canada

We work with businesses from across the supply chain to redirect their unsold surplus food to non-profit organizations that feed communities in every province and territory in Canada.

Food pie chart
Every year, 46.5% of the food produced for Canadians is lost or wasted.
Meanwhile 8.7 million people in this country are food insecure.
It just doesn’t make sense.

Looking to donate food?

These harvesters can help! Click on the person in your region or organization type to get involved.

Our Programs

We rescue food, because it’s the right thing to do.

The social and environmental implications of food waste inform our work. By rescuing food, we are:

reducing harmful gases from avoidable food waste, a leading source of human-caused climate change

optimizing the energy, water and land that go into producing and distributing food to create an efficient food supply chain

improving food access for everyone, regardless of their economic situation

Second Harvest and its partners rescued and redistributed 0 million lbs of food in 2024, averting 0 million lbs of greenhouse gases.
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